Campaign of the Month

Fortnum & Mason keep subscribers sweet with ambitious cross-channel campaign

Fortum & Mason used dynamic creative elements, in line with current trends.

Brand: Fortnum & Mason

Campaign creation by: Bimal Tailor


Agency: Blueberry Wave

Agency website:

Campaign details

Subject line: Sweets for my Sweet

Opens: 35% open rate


The upscale retailer was founded in London by William Fortnum and Hugh Mason in 1707. What started as a small enterprise re-selling the royal household’s leftover wax candles (Fortnum was a footman to Queen Anne) expanded considerably during Britain’s Industrial Revolution, and the brand is now a byword for luxury.

Today, Fortnum & Mason has three stores in the UK, as well as various stockists worldwide – the brand is recognizable internationally for its historical pedigree and high-quality goods.

This recent campaign celebrates something a little closer to home: announcing a Honey Auction to celebrate 10 years of Fortnum’s keeping beehives on the roof of their headquarters in Piccadilly. Honey has proved a strong commercial success for the brand, delivering +9% in revenue year-over-year.

What data was used?

Fortnum’s sent the email to different segments of their subscribers. They segmented based on location: both UK-based and international.


  • Driving attendance for the Honey Auction
  • Increasing sales of the new Chef’s Honey range
  • Achieving good open, engagement, and deliverability metrics

What makes this a performing campaign?

The email itself has a great responsive design, visually leading through the campaign. Branching out from their signature brand palette of eau de nil, Fortnum & Mason used yellow for their introductory title (‘OH Honey’).

Alongside all the other visual aspects of the campaign, they showcased images of their impressive in-store display, in which they took an innovative approach to incorporate GIFs – inputting their own templates into the Adestra platform. Fortnum & Mason added an emoji into their subject line, enhancing their creative concept, and with the help of social channels they promoted their honey campaign further. It’s great to see their use of dynamic creative elements, in line with current trends.

Enabling people to book a spot on the Honey Auction and accompanying Dinner, they used clickable buttons at the end of the campaign which were titled ‘Shop Honey’ and ‘Book Now’ as proof of whether subscribers had viewed the entire email. Fortnum & Mason truly demonstrate the benefits of strategic, cross-channel thinking.

The results

  • 35% open rate globally (27% for the UK send)
  • Click-through rate of 7.4%
  • An impressive 98% deliverability rate, standing as evidence of the quality of their data and efforts from both Fortnum’s and Blueberry Wave