Campaign of the Month

Museum Selection celebrates longer-term customer loyalty

Museum Selection opted to reward longer-term loyalty by marking a customer’s one-year anniversary with a £10 discount code.

Brand: Museum Selection (Ardington Ltd)

Campaign creation by: Beth Roach


Campaign details

Subject line: You’ve been such a loyal customer [First Name]
Opens: 41%
Clicks-of-opens: 15%


Based in the UK, Museum Selection has been partnering with museums and galleries since 2002 to develop exclusive home accessories, clothing, and gifts with an emphasis on quality and cultural heritage. Museum Selection Ltd provides management support, design, and marketing services for Museum Selection as well as its sister companies, Culture Vulture Direct & Pia Jewellery.

Following a suggestion made at Ardington and Adestra’s most recent quarterly review, this campaign was implemented as an alternative to the increasingly familiar birthday email – instead, Museum Selection opted to reward longer-term loyalty by marking a customer’s one-year anniversary with a £10 discount code.

What data was used?

This automated campaign is sent to all Museum Selection customers one year after their sign up date.


  • Celebrate loyalty with a personal touch
  • Re-engage lapsed customers and encourage further purchases

What makes this a performing campaign?

Birthday voucher campaigns are a great strategy, but in using them email marketers run the risk of subscribers conveniently declaring their date of birth as the very next day in order to benefit from an immediate discount. Museum Selection decided to play a longer game, which would ensure a steadier release of discount codes throughout the year and serve the dual purpose of providing subscribers with a pleasant surprise and re-engaging dormant customers with an appropriate event. We love the fact this campaign showcases Museum Selection’s template, too, designed in conjunction with Adestra’s Digital Design team.

As for the campaign itself, we love Museum Selection’s use of first name personalization as well as a clear CTA driving those clicks over to their online store.

The results

The campaign has already seen a very satisfactory 41% open rate and 15% CTOR. We’re very keen to see how these metrics continue to develop over time, as more customers hit their one-year anniversaries with Museum Selection.