This is the landscape against which Jill Konrath launches her latest book “SNAP Selling – Speed Up Sales and Win More Business with Today’s Frazzled Customers”, and the publication is definitely timely. The core proposition is that selling to overwhelmed buyers is tough, and in this very readable, easy to consume book, Konrath sets out a simple framework to help you overcome the attendant challenges.
There’s no question that everyone, including your customers, is increasingly busy. Last year’s cost-cutting has resulted in organizations trying to get by with fewer resources. As the economy has begun to improve, the ‘mot juste’ for corporations is productivity, and now every company is trying to do more with less.
SNAP stands for Simple, iNvaluable, Aligned and Priority, and while the acronym might be a little contrived, the mnemonic serves its purpose well, helping readers navigate their way to the ‘crazy-busy’ buyers.
There are so many sales books out there that it’s hard to stand out, and the winners need to be crammed with insight and evolved leading-edge technique, while at the same time being clearly written and fun to read. Konrath achieves this blend with ease, and this is one of those books that make you want to read it all of the way to the end.
SNAP Selling is laid out in four main sections; the first outlining the SNAP Factors, followed by three buying (or selling) stage related parts called The First Decision, The Second Decision and The Third Decision. Each of these ‘decisions’ relate to a stage in the buying process, and Konrath clearly maps out potential pitfalls and recommended alternative approaches.
When taken together, the three decisions as described in the book, combine to define a selling (and buying) process that could effectively be applied in many sales situations. I’ve written elsewhere many times (here, here, and here) about the value of a sales process and this book does a great job of setting the principles, strategies and techniques that every seller should apply.
Having read Konrath’s previous book Selling to Big Companies I had high expectations of SNAP Selling. I wasn’t disappointed – highly recommended.
Jill Konrath is presenting her thoughts on a free webinar with The TAS Group on Friday, June 16th.