How to Avoid Creating Redundant Content

How to Avoid Creating Redundant Content

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When B2Bs create social media posts and blog articles on a regular schedule, it can be a challenge to avoid redundant content.

The need to stay relevant and current within a 24-hour news cycle puts pressure on marketing teams to publish something on-message—and make sure it’s exciting enough to snag attention. This requirement to blend consistent key messages with unique language clashes with what I call “content reality:” the fact that there’s only so many ways to say something, especially in a niche market.

In addition, brands can run the risk of getting dinged for sharing the same or similar content in various places online. But they may not even realize it until after they’ve hit publish.

Then, of course, there’s the human factor to consider. It’s easy to get into a rut, unknowingly repeat similar topics, or feel like you have exhausted a pool of ideas. Add staff turn-over into the content development mix, and a sense of amnesia can descend upon a team. Valuable historical knowledge about archived content often leaves when employees do.

To steer clear of common pitfalls related to overwhelming content development and redundant material, develop internal processes to create fresh, evergreen content:

  • Track and date content published in a shared document for easy reference
  • Host a list of ongoing ideas based on customer interest, not “automated blog post generators”
  • Use a content management system to track each step in the development process
  • Connect regularly with customers for fresh ideas and details on information gaps
  • Manage a regular content review process regarding what’s still relevant in published content

Remember, redundant content happens to the best of B2B, but it is avoidable. Now, onto the fun part—generating fresh content ideas!

7 Ways to Tune In, Listen, and Leverage Buyer Persona Interests to Create More Diverse Content

To get out in front of content boredom and leave the blog title generator behind, try some of these ideas:

1. Tap into Social Media

See what customers are saying (or what they say is missing), then address it with content. Social channels are open to customers 24 hours a day, so check in on the buzz, positive or negative.

Don’t be afraid to interact directly with customers through social content, create a bit of traction through conversation, or take note of fresh ideas that are trending. Part of social media is being social, so also add questions to posts to learn more about what customers might want or need.

2. Connect with Sales and Customer Service

Sync up monthly to discover common topics they’ve noticed on calls and chats. Internal resources like sales and customer service have a direct line into buyers’ likes and pain points. This information is key to avoiding repeated content and to helping the marketing team craft blogs, eBooks, etc. that hit directly on what customers want to hear or learn. Building cross-team conversations improves the flow of content topics.

3. Spin an Old Topic

Look at high-performance blog posts and create a new angle using updated research or industry developments. Analytics are great because they provide historical performance data for published content. Sift back through popular social posts and blogs to see if there’s a way to develop a whole new angle on the idea. One approach is to play devil’s advocate; other options include an updated blog post with new discoveries or a fresh look on an industry trend.

Just remember to craft content in alignment with the interests of your target market; don’t get tunnel vision on breaking new ground.

4. Remember Your Personas

Develop and leverage buyer persona data to distill topics, personalize with fresh ideas, and avoid redundant content. Marketing can be a guessing game (even with analytics) because customers can be fickle.

To ensure content is creative and diverse, keep buyer personas current and call on them for inspiration. Consider their point of view and what topics interest them or how they may benefit from the unique insights, products, or services of your brand.

When you act with your customers as your inspiration, you generate innovative ideas that resonate.

5. Maintain a List Of Recent Posts

Keep a current and updated list of all content published on social and blogs. With so much content going out, it’s essential to track publish dates for everything.

As content ideas go into development, review blog posts and topics from the last three months to ensure subjects aren’t repeated. Plan for a healthy block of time between similar topics unless they’re presented as a series. Share publish dates and the content schedule among all teams and keep them up to date.

Double check social media posts, too, especially if they are scheduled in advance. Avoid using the same wording for multiple posts and across all social channels, as each one has its nuances. When you diversify the language among social media platforms, it’s easier to keep content sounding fresh.

6. Become Best Friends with a Synonym Finder

We all tend to use words that come to mind first. But these words may be tired or overused. When you’re editing, check for recurring words and phrases. Then diversify your word choice with an online synonym tool. It’s quick, easy, and gives content a bit of a punch.

7. Sunset Older Content and Blog Posts

If your B2B has been sharing content consistently, it may be time to add a “sell by” date. Old, evergreen, cornerstone posts that still get hits are fine to leave, but consider taking older or low-performing posts offline. Doing so makes way for fresh angles on an old topic and helps with the redundant content challenge.

It’s more important than ever to have a dual mindset when developing content. B2Bs need systems to come up with fresh material that converts while avoiding creating redundant content in the first place.

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