Kapost Third-Party Subprocessors

Kapost Third-Party Subprocessors

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Organization Name



Description of Service

Amazon Web Services United States
Hosted Infrastructure Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the hosting provider utilized by Upland for infrastructure and applications.
CloudConvert United States Media Conversion CloudConvert is used to convert media from one format to another for use within the platform.
Datadog United States Application and Infrastructure Logging Datadog is used to log application and infrastructure data for purposes of monitoring and analysis.
Heroku United States Hosted Infrastructure Heroku is utilized as a portion of the hosting provider for infrastructure.
MixPanel United States Application Logging MixPanel is used to track key events and actions through the application.
PaperTrail United States Application Logging and Rendering Platform PaperTrail is an application logging platform for searching/analysis/monitoring.
PubNub United States Application Session Logging PubNub is leveraged for asynchronous real-time notifications and multi-user editing sessions within the application.
RedisLabs United States
Caching Infrastructure RedisLabs is a caching service used to quickly retrieve recently used data.
SendGrid United States Email Platform Sendgrid provides email notifications to customers.