Get Out The Vote: Using SMS for Election Day and Beyond

3 minute read

Team Mobile Commons

There’s no doubt about it, the day of the election will be hectic, so it’s important to have your texting service in place well in advance. Here’s what your Election Day messaging strategy can include:

Voting Reminders

Voter’s day-to-day responsibilities don’t pause on election day, and sending reminders can help them make time in their busy day to get to the polls. Send a reminder first thing in the morning, or if they’ve indicated they plan to vote early in the day, send a reminder the day before. For subscribers who haven’t planned to vote, help them locate their polling place. You can also ask voters to remind their friends to vote.

Answering Voter Questions

Promote an opt-in path on social media specifically for voters who need help. Monitor your inbox to answer their questions. If you’re a Mobile Commons customer, Agent View allows voter protection teams to access the inbox without accessing your broadcasts. You can also automate answers to the most common questions.


Tell people to text a keyword to your short code after they vote, then ask them to reply with a selfie on them with their “I Voted” sticker. Again, make sure someone monitors your inbox to respond to voters in real-time.

Looking Beyond Election Day

GOTV text messaging doesn’t end once the polls close. There’s always a next election or cause to support, so consider how you will keep your list engaged after Election Day passes.

The Day After…

Follow up with voters and volunteers by thanking them for their hard work. For campaigns and advocacy groups, this message may include a recap of the previous night’s election results. While your subscribers will likely know the big winners, you can fill them in on winner from races that align with your cause.

…And the days after that

If recent list growth efforts have been successful, you’ve likely built a list of new, engaged voters (and voter data). These voters are eager to make their voice heard or further your cause, and messaging can be a great way to inform them of ways to help.

Provide subscribers with the next action to take. You can keep your new subscribers involved and engaged by:

  • Informing them of pending legislation. Tell subscribers about legislation that involves causes that matter to them. Arm them with information they need to take action.
  • Encouraging voters to contact elected officials. With Mobile Commons, you can create an mConnect, or click-to-call campaign, that allows recipients to call legislators by clicking a link in your text message.
  • Sending fundraising asks. Your GOTV subscribers have seen what you do to help people vote, so when your end-of-year fundraising comes around, you can invite them to invest in the long-term success of your organization.

Your mobile list gives you a direct channel to keep people informed and committed to your cause. Make use of this connection; after all, the next election will be here before you know it!

To learn more about voter engagement with SMS, the resources page on the Mobile Commons site is full of insight from our team of experts.

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