Campaign of the Month

SMA celebrates mothers with integrated email and social campaign

This campaign still managed an impressive 38% open rate.

Brand: SMA

Campaign creation by: Ogilvy and Blueberry Wave


Campaign details

Subject line: Want a special way to wish Happy Mother’s Day?
Opens: 38%
Clicks-of-opens: 5.8%


SMA have been researching infant nutrition for over 90 years, and provide a variety of formulas and follow-on milks for babies and toddlers aged 0-3 years. As part of their email offering, SMA encourage new parents to sign up for their SMA Baby Club and receive personalized content during those first 1,000 days from conception to toddlerhood.

What data was used?

For this particular campaign celebrating motherhood, SMA used their Baby Club data to segment the partners of new mothers based on each member’s gender, child age, country (UK or ROI) and engagement level – a specific KPI for the SMA team.


  • Provide a new twist on the Mother’s Day email format by addressing partners and inspiring them to celebrate the mothers in their life.
  • Drive subscribers to SMA Baby Club’s Facebook page, where a dedicated post mirrored the hero GIF of the email to encourage engagement.

What makes this a performing campaign?

We love SMA, Ogilvy, and Blueberry Wave’s strategic thinking behind this campaign, and their use of consistent branding across both email and social channels. As explained by the client themselves: “it is impossible to sum up how amazing mums are in just a few words; we supplied an endless combination of adjectives to praise them and made it as easy as possible for their partners and friends to share the love via Facebook and email.”

Dynamic content used strategically is a real pleasure to see, and the clear CTA inviting readers to “Share your Mother’s Day message” naturally draws the reader’s attention.

The results

Mother’s Day is a crowded time for the inbox, but this campaign still managed an impressive 38% open rate (5.8% clicks-of-opens). Heatmap analysis showed the ‘Share your Mother’s Day message’ CTA to be the most-clicked area within the email.