Content marketing can feel like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s one of the most efficient channels for reaching and engaging audiences. On the other hand, the digital content world is overflowing with noise—attention spans are getting shorter, and businesses are competing for the same sets of eyeballs.
That’s why you’re hearing “less is more” rumblings in the business world. Rather than having a blog for the sake of creating content, companies are thinking through their long-term education goals and directional strategy. Content is part of a bigger company vision rather than a one-off investment.
What’s going to be important for content marketers from now moving forward, is focus. Do your blog posts align with a long-term organizational vision? Are your eBooks building a funnel into your company’s narrative and value proposition?
The answers to these questions will vary between companies—there’s no universal set of processes to follow. But there are best practices that can help you find the focus that’s right for you. Check out the following resources as a guide:
Resources to Support a Full-Funnel Content Strategy
The Content Lifecycle. Building a successful content operation requires a basic understanding of the content lifecycle, which has four key stages: alignment, execution, distribution, and analysis. Read this guide to streamline coordination, integration, and effort across your marketing organization and tools. This resource will help you plan your content strategy at the conceptual level.
How Brady Corporation Built a Modern Content Operation. Content marketers are often brimming with ideas that they’re not sure how to operationalize. This webinar features an interview with the team at Brady Corporation, to show you how a 100-year-old global manufacturer is building a modern content marketing operation.
Ask the Experts: Managing the Content Lifecycle. Once you figure out what you want to achieve from a content strategy perspective, you’ll face an even tougher question: how do you execute? How do you build the right teams and connect mission-critical dots between workflows? This guide will give you a practical lens for how to manage through the content lifecycle. Once you have your plan in place, you’ll need to start bundling your ideas for the real world. This guide will show you how.
Final Thoughts
Quality is the future of content marketing. But there’s no universally objective way to make your content “awesome.” Quality is in the eye of the beholder—which in your case is your audience. You’ll need a structured, repeatable process in place to build your content program efficiently. Build a toolbox that’s right for you and your team.