Your Content Archive Is Your Biggest Untapped Marketing Asset

Your Content Archive Is Your Biggest Untapped Marketing Asset

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Content lives on the internet forever.

If you’ve been running a company blog for an extended period of time, you may find yourself sitting on a pile of unexpected gold. Remember that content has the potential to be timeless. With a rich inventory of already-created resources, you can potentially bring more visibility to your brand.

Don’t let your old, seemingly outdated content go to waste. Instead, take the following steps:

1. Start with a Content Inventory

Dedicate time with your team to review what you’ve created to-date. Aim to review everything. Using a spreadsheet or tagging tool within your content management system, group your content into three buckets:

  • Current: content that is still relevant
  • Semi-current: content that needs updating
  • Expired: content that is outdated

2. Organize Your Inventory

A content inventory will help you narrow down your library of usable content.

Archive content that is expired. But don’t delete your URLs—you’ve probably built a number of backlinks that you don’t want to lose.

Instead, delete the content and then 301 redirect the page to newer, fresher content that you have on your blog. A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one page to another. It tells search engines that you’ve created a new page with no content.

You may be hesitant to delete irrelevant posts that are sending your website traffic. If this is the case, you can simply rewrite the post to bring it current or 301 redirect the page to another article.

Edit semi-current content. You can republish this content as new content. Since you’ve created this content, your marketing strategy might have changed, or your audience may have grown. Don’t worry that your content is “old” and instead, keep it polished and helpful.

Leave your current content as-is. Consider re-publishing it or utilizing it on new marketing channels. You can also consider creating new versions for specific segments if your customer base has evolved.

3. Plan a Strategy for Repurposing Your Content

Now that you have a library of refreshed content, you have an opportunity to repurpose it. Make sure you mention each piece’s original publish date and that you’ve updated it. Position each recycled piece as a revived asset or reminder.

Here are some ideas for what to do with your content:

  • Re-publish these pieces on your blog
  • Syndicate your content on partner sites
  • Re-visit segments in your marketing automation system to see if there are segments who haven’t seen your content
  • Share revived content through your social media channels

Think Long-Term

Content is an asset with appreciating value. Keep investing in it. Keep it fresh. Let your content bring you returns from years to go.

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