3 Charts that Make the Case for SMS Marketing

3 Charts that Make the Case for SMS Marketing

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Sometimes numbers speak louder than words. Below are three charts, based on a report by eDigital Research, that highlight why SMS Marketing is a necessary channel for communications.

Frequently Used

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People text a lot. How much, you wonder? Globally, we send 14 million SMS messages every minute. Texting is not listed as high as email or apps for continuously used throughout the day. This is probably because we are less bombarded with SMS marketing messages than we are by email, and our attention is less likely to get sucked into SMS messages as it does with more visual apps like Instagram.

Adopted heavily

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If you are on a mobile phone, you have definitely texted. Texting is only 1% behind phone calls for most used channel. Needless to say, anyone with a phone (smartphone or not) will be texting.

Simple to use

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SMS marketing is considered simple and easiest to use by four times more people when compared to mobile apps, and eight times more than email. If you want to reduce consumer confusion (who would want to increase confusion?), then texting is the best option.


Companies need to reach their customers. Accomplish this by getting on their level and use the technology that everyone loves, everyone frequently uses, and considers the most simple.

To learn more about creating SMS marketing campaigns customers love, see a quick demo of Upland Mobile Messaging’s mobile marketing platform.

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