Mother’s Day is almost here! This is a great opportunity for organizations to use text messaging to send supporters a personal greeting and engage them with varied content. Here are three fun and creative ways to use SMS to thank moms this Sunday.
1. Share a Mother’s Day card or picture message
Holidays are a great opportunity to spread the word about your organization and grow your mobile list. Send out a broadcast to your supporters wishing them a Happy Mother’s Day with a picture message or link to an e-card, then ask them to share it using Tell-a-Friend with their friends or relatives – or anybody who might be interested in your organization, for that matter.
With Tell-a-Friend, supporters simply reply to your message with the phone number of their friend, and that friend will receive your greeting. By tying your holiday greeting back to your mission, you can reach even more people and ask them to join your campaign and support your organization’s activities.
2. Record a Mother’s Day greeting from your organization’s spokesperson
For an extra special treat, consider having your organization’s spokesperson or executive director record a Mother’s Day Greeting that you can share with your mobile list. Ask your supporters to respond to your text to receive the mConnect number that they can call to hear your audio recording.
The moms on your list will be happy to know that your organization appreciates them as much as their children do, and you can take this opportunity to remind your users about your mission and tell them how much you value their support.
Make sure to use the follow-up text to get users sharing your message with their mothers:
3. Ask supporters to make a donation in their mom’s name
Another way to commemorate this holiday is to ask your supporters to make a donation to your organization in their mom’s name. On your donation page, add an extra field so supporters can type in their mother’s phone number so you can send her a personal text message telling her about the donation and how it will make a difference. This is a great way to drive your fundraising efforts and give people a unique way to celebrate the holiday and say thanks.
These are just a few ideas on how you can use text messaging this Mother’s Day – we encourage you to come up with more! If you have any questions about how to set up a special Mother’s Day text message, contact your mobile strategist or email us.