Paid marketing channels allow organizations to distribute content widely and generate more leads. But for these marketing channels to be successful, it’s important that internal resources are aligned and that paid distribution campaigns are prepared during the content production process.
That means planning for paid channels up front.
At Kapost, we’ve modified how we use content types to ensure paid marketing channels are supported during the production process. Additionally, for new content pillar campaigns, we’ve better aligned our SEO strategy to maximize content exposure through search engines.
To instate a similar practice within your organization, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Create a New Task in Your Campaign Workflow for SEO Strategy
In the Kapost Settings, go into “Campaign Types and Workflow.” In the workflow for campaigns that will require SEO, for example, content pillar campaigns, add a task to align your SEO strategy.
In the screenshot above, you’ll notice we’ve added this step after the initial outline has been drafted. This step alerts the content marketer that they need to collaborate with your search marketing resource to ensure relevant keywords have been chosen based on research. These are the keywords that will be referenced in any content asset produced as part of the campaign.
Step 2: Add A Second Task in Your Campaign Workflow for Paid Marketing Channels
In the same “Campaign Types and Workflow” setting, prepare for your paid strategy conversation. In the above screenshot, we’ve added a workflow task that alerts the content marketer to set up a paid marketing channel discovery call, during which your internal resource will be able to review content produced thus far and ask questions to determine which paid marketing channels best align with the campaign. We chose to hold our call 2 weeks prior to the go-live date of the campaign, but you can adjust this to suit your existing operational processes.
Step 3: Add New Content Types for Each Paid Marketing Channel
For each paid channel your organization supports, create a new content type within the “Content Types and Workflow” settings.
As you can see in the example screenshots below, we’ve added a new content type called “SEM Campaign.” Within this content type, we’re able to add a number of tasks related to this content type that are required for completion. With your search marketing resource structuring additional marketing channels to distribute the campaign’s content inside Kapost, full visibility is offered for all parties involved in launching the campaign.
SEM Campaign workflow:
In summary, expanding your organization’s use of content types to align organic search and paid marketing channel resources with content production can help maximize the exposure of your content and generate additional leads. The steps above are merely a guide, and can be configured as you see fit to best support your organization’s needs and existing processes.
We’re committed to providing tools and resources that increase the effectiveness of content marketing, so tell us what you think and share your ideas!