21 of the Best Twitter Blurbs for Marketers

21 of the Best Twitter Blurbs for Marketers

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How do marketers market themselves online? Well, some of our favorites find the perfect blend of flair and function. Check out what we mean below.

John Miller @ScribeMiller

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Why We Chose Him: We love the play on “whose opinions.” Traditional reporters tend to express that their Twitter presence represents their personal thoughts, not the thoughts of their publication. This sentence shows that John is a credible news journalist, but has broken from that traditional landscape.

Advice: Get creative on old phrases to showcase your new digital media knowledge.

Scott Meis @ScottMeis

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Why We Chose Him: We like the use of lines to divide each of the subjects Scott is interested in. As content marketers, “visual” information is key to consumer engagement.

Advice: Try out visual elements in Twitter’s text field. You can use dashes, lines, slashes, dots, commas, periods, etc.

Ms. Pepper @PeppersWrite

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Why We Chose Her: Love the statement of purpose here. This is great integration of the age-old wisdom of the “objective statement” at the top of a resume into social media. Also, she’s doing a pretty neat job of personal branding here.

Advice: Consider what your career goals are. Then, consider working them into your Twitter blurb.

Andrew J. Coate @andrewjcoate

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Why We Chose Him: Love the departure from professional-speak into fun-speak. We are marketers, here. Beer is welcome.

Advice: Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through your blurb. This is your Twitter account after all, people want to know about you.

Michele Linn @MicheleLinn

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Why We Chose Her: Simple, to the point, and professional. Michele’s 48-character blurb is a nice break from the typically word-packed, trying-to-be-clever area.

Advice: Be brief when you can.

Mitch Joel @mitchjoel

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Why We Chose Him: Mitch does a fantastic job at providing an overview of all the ways he wants to make money. You can’t get hired for jobs if you don’t tell people you’re qualified. Mitch hits the nail on the head for making himself hireable.

Advice: Define the ways that you are a professional. Include those.

Stephanie Carls @stephelisecarls

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Why We Chose Her: Stephanie not only includes a link to her YouTube channel in the blurb, but she also posts it in the image above, with a nice, relevant visual. We love that. This is an excellent example of connecting with various people in one shot: visual people can look at the image, textual people can read the link in the image, and kinetic people can click the link.

Advice: If your goal is to drive traffic to one hub, make that spot easily accessible.

Glen Gilmore @GlenGilmore

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Why We Chose Him: Hello credibility! Glen packs his authority and credibility into his Twitter bio much like lines in a resume. Need someone with qualifications? Glen’s got A, B, and C.

Advice: Accolades and work history don’t need to live only in LinkedIn. Explore Twitter blurbs for self promotion, and see how your credibility and followers rise.

Erika Napoletano @erikanapo

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Why We Chose Her: Erika doesn’t curb the creative corners. This blurb stands out as hilarious, original, and packed with personality. You can basically feel her energy through her quips and witty one-liners.

Advice: Sometimes it makes a difference to be different. Make your Twitter blurb stand out with a little something from the realm of bold.

Shelly Kramer @ShellyKramer

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Why We Chose Her: “Oversharers Anonymous.” Do I need to say more?

Advice: Be original with your language. This is your canvas. Words are your paint.

Amber Osborne @missdestructo

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Why We Chose Her: Marketing is about communicating relevant, engaging, and entertaining messages. Destroying boredom is a clever, pithy, and powerful way of letting people know this woman rocks at her job. Not to mention, we dig the “SaaS Kicker” pun.

Advice: Again, creativity and originality go a long way in the land of Twitter. Is your blurb tweetable? If not, try something new.

Francisco Rosales @socialmouths

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Why We Chose Him: “Vanilla web presence” is an interesting, poetic way of describing uninteresting marketing. Every marketer can understand what a vanilla web presence is. A boring landing page. With a static nav bar. And absolutely no interactivity. Vanilla is good for ice cream. It’s terrible for marketing.

Advice: Think of your Twitter blurb as a haiku. Each word holds the magnitude of a eternity in a haiku. And so, too, can your Twitter blurb.

Blake Jamieson @blakejamieson

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Why We Chose Him: Blake’s clever marketing is demonstrated by his Tinder hashtag, and he keeps it light and positive with the half-full reference.

Advice: Don’t be afraid to state your attributes and values. Are you funny? Say that. Are you into data? Say that. People aren’t good at guessing your strengths. So tell them what matters to you, and have some fun with it.

Michael Brenner @BrennerMichael

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Why We Chose Him: This in another great example of putting your professional history straight onto Twitter.

Advice: Build credibility (and a good Twitter following) by being transparent about your professional successes.

Britt Michaelian @BrittMichaelian

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Why We Chose Her: Amazing call to action! Britt says exactly what her professional strengths are, and then encourages the world to connect with her. We love this confidence and strategic nurturing of Twitter users to become followers, fans, or clients.

Advice: Don’t leave new Twitter followers hanging after they learn about you. By providing a call to action at the end of your blurb, you encourage further interactions and deeper relationships.

Frank Barry @franswaa

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Why We Chose Him: The fact that Frank Barry is the father of triplets AND employed as a content marketer made him a shoe-in on this list.

Advice: Have triplets and retain sanity, and people will be impressed. 😉

Rand Fishkin @randfish

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Why We Chose Him: Rand’s blurb stands out, not because he’s the founder of Moz, but because he’s a feminist. We like his confidence and ability to blend the personal and professional on Twitter—and we respect this particular view.

Advice: Have an political issue you feel passionately about? Chances are, you’ll attract other Twitter users to your profile if you put that in your blurb.

Alex Naidus @hotdoorknobs

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Why We Chose Him: This guy is a creative genius. How do we know? He shows, he doesn’t tell. This blurb is a impressionistic interpretation of a life. Noir, doo wop and “content”ment? I feel ya. You like the wine, a good bit of music that pays homage to the fun times of the roaring twenties, and you spend your time making content.

Advice: If your brain is inspired by the creative spirit, let it rip. It’s memorable, fun, and shatters the limits of conformity.

Jess Brown @ContentCr8

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Why We Chose Her: Jess Brown isn’t afraid to tell it all. Unlike many professional profiles, Jess incorporates the other fibers of her life. As a result, we get a sense that she’s crafty, high-spirited and fun. It probably makes her a great “cultural fit” at Microsoft, and lets Twitter users get a more well-rounded picture of who this person is.

Advice: Incorporate professional and personal qualities into your Twitter profile to develop a well-rounded impression.

Scott Stratten @unmarketing

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Why We Chose Him: Scott entertains us with every sentence in his blurb. He’s jokes about his influence on “irrelevant” social media, which tickles marketers who secretly empathize with the confidence boost that comes from another follower—anywhere. He also gives a hat tip to his wife, in a most clever way.

Advice: Create a bio people will connect with on a personal level. Not only does it give them a glimpse into your personality, but it’ll result in a giggle or two.

Nigel Copley @marketing_guy

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Why We Chose Him: Probably a lot of people have been doing digital marketing since 2001. But how many claim that makes them a dinosaur? Nigel cracks people up with this blurb. Digital marketing in 2001?! Roar, Dino. H/T to you.

Advice: Incorporate a splash of color and creativity to make your professional experience stand out.

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