Everyone starts out as a beginner.
Whether it’s golf, a new language, or content marketing.
But eventually—if you take time to learn, practice, and develop your skills—you become an expert. The Kapost Masters Series focuses on these experts, the people and secrets behind the best content marketing.
Today, meet the Masters of the eBook. These seven marketers understand what goes into an eBook that drives business, revenue, and reach. And they shared their tactical and strategic know-how with us. Download the eBook now.
It has resources and key examples, including the seven fundamental elements of a powerful eBook:
- Table of contents
- Psychographic targeting
- Simplified messaging
- Sidebar
- Data illustration
- Icons
- eBook promotion
The Masters Series: A Short History
We keep tabs on valuable content types—such as SlideShares, eBooks, whitepapers, microsites, and infographics—and interview the creative staff producing that content. From those interviews, we compile actionable, demonstrable, detailed advice on how to produce best-in-class content.
The idea for Masters of the eBook campaign started last January with the Masters of SlideShare campaign. Masters of SlideShare was a first-of-its-kind marketing campaign covering insights from the 13 best SlideShare producers.
The campaign met tremendous success:
- Our web traffic jumped 84% due
- More than 10,000 people viewed the SlideShare campaign
- And a total of 40,000+ have viewed the SlideShare to date.
We Thought: What Else Can a Collective Conscience Do?
And thus, we embarked on an eBook research haul to identify the top content marketing eBook producers and their words of wisdom.
The research included reading more than 1,000 pages and 250,000 words from marketing eBooks from across industries: technology, business, health, venture capital, and more. We called on industry leaders and marketers from across the globe to send us their favorite marketing eBooks, and then we started to curate the submissions. What we found is the créme de la créme of content marketing.
Go Make a Great Marketing eBook
Yes, everyone starts as a beginner. But the best of the best—those who have honed their skills— are two standard deviations away from the norm. And we’re ecstatic to introduce you to the seven Masters of the eBook. Download the book now, discover how to make marketing eBooks a revenue engine, and get on the path to mastery.