Transforming Alumni Outreach: The Power of Text Messaging for Universities

Transforming Alumni Outreach: The Power of Text Messaging for Universities

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Engaging with alumni is an essential part of universities’ communication and fundraising strategies. Graduates appreciate the knowledge gained and community built during college, while higher education institutions rely upon graduates for their continued donations and support. However, alumni engagement rates have been steadily decreasing across the country over the past few years. This is creating challenges as colleges search for new ideas and strategies to fortify the connection between graduates and their alma mater.

Universities need a communication tool that provides flexibility and sustainability for a successful long-term relationship with their alumni—and one solution stands out above the rest. Text messaging is the optimal way to stay engaged with graduates after they finish their degrees and begin their careers. Here’s why.

Texting triumph: Why SMS makes sense for long-term relationships with alumni

As we move into an increasingly digital age, the methods universities use to communicate and interact with their alumni and donors are rapidly changing. If you are responsible for making those connections, understanding communication trends will help you effectively reach out to your audience. Text messaging has proven itself to be one of the most effective channels in the communications landscape.

98% of text messages are opened and read, which is almost five times the open rate of the typical email. Not only do many people see their phone as an extension of themselves, but they are using their phones for more tasks – including financial transactions. Last year, there was a 36% growth in the use of mobile payment methods. This aligns with SMS text-to-give campaigns seeing a similar increase. When you send a text message to alums, you’re engaging them in a conversation that feels more personal and immediate than mass email or social media, which will in turn provide better results to your community-building efforts.

Increase donations with a text messaging program

A college campus revolves around its students, and those young adults provide much of the culture, energy, and community that make up the university. In return, the institution is instrumental in its students’ lives, not only providing the support and knowledge to bridge the gap between childhood and adulthood, but also imprinting unforgettable memories through inspiring academic work, passionate club participation, and friendships that last a lifetime.

The connection between a student and their university doesn’t end at graduation; it just enters a different phase. Alumni who stay connected with their alma mater are the most likely to be advocates for the school, including through significant financial contributions. In 2023, US colleges and universities received $58 billion in donations!

But believe it or not, that $58 billion actually reflects a decrease of 2.5% from 2022—and it’s no secret that universities are fighting a decline in their annual campaign numbers. To reverse this trend, more colleges than ever are using text messaging to engage alumni with personalized, relevant, and inspiring campaigns. Robust text messaging platforms provide the tools so that universities can ensure that the right message is reaching the intended alum at the perfect time.

Universities are boosting their fundraising using text messaging in a variety of ways, from tried-and-true standard campaigns to unique out-of-the-box experimentation. Supporters are increasingly making donations on their phones, and sending a one click text-to-donate link to an alum makes supporting their alma mater as easy as possible. Additionally, our customers have found that people who receive both email and text message reminders are 77% more likely to donate than those who receive only an email. Our mobile experts are happy to share details about the strategies they’re seeing, but without a doubt, text messaging is a beneficial and lucrative channel for higher education.

Drive loyalty through consistent engagement

Universities that utilize text messaging on a regular basis are also taking advantage of the opportunity to maintain a consistent connection with alumni. Advanced functionality in leading text messaging platforms allows higher education institutions to use dynamic message copy and responsive campaign flows, resulting in hyper-personalized conversations on a one-to-one level at scale.

Across the country, colleges have seen decreased alumni engagement and are looking for solutions. Campaigns like text surveys allow alumni relation departments to get a pulse on their community, which in turn will help inform future outreach that will better resonate with the community. Additionally, texting is a great way to promote and remind alumni about in-person events in their area or on campus. Outreach can be personalized based on the topics and types of events each recipient prefers or has attended in the past. You can even help alums find local events by using Mobile Commons’ location-based automated data query.

Building and maintaining connections with new and recent grads is an essential part of alumni relations. Young adults are constantly on their phones, so connecting with them via a device that’s already in their hand or pocket will result in increased engagement, whether you’re running a fundraising campaign, inviting them to a reunion, or sharing a recent win over your biggest rival.

As these young grads build their own wealth, both from their careers and from inheritance via the great wealth transfer, it’s important to prove that their alma mater should be their priority when considering philanthropy.

University text messaging: Next steps

Higher education institutions need a text messaging platform that has the functionality, knowledge, and support to help them reach their goals and connect with donors and alumni. Mobile Commons has been the trusted text platform for universities and nonprofits since 2007. Are you interested in learning more? Connect with one of our mobile strategists today.

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