From A(rmy) to Z(oo): 4 Effective Branded Content Campaigns

2 minute read

Liz Huff Senior Director, Customer Success

How Well Do You Know Birds of Prey?

The Elmwood Park Zoo wanted to find people in their area who would be interested in visiting their zoo. The team at could have just run an ad for $5 off your ticket. Instead they created an interesting quiz about the birds of prey who live at the zoo. This was a great way to reach their target audience and promote specific animals from the zoo with a more content-driven approach.

Creative Quiz for Zoo

How Much Do You Know About Your Brain?

What I love about this quiz sponsored by the American Academy of Neurology, is that it shows a different way to tell a story. It’s not just reading an article about brain health, it’s getting your audience to engage with your advertiser in a meaningful way. This alternative experience can appeal to a new, different audience.

Creative Quiz for Health Fair

What Army Career Best Suits Your Skillset?

The U.S. Army wanted to highlight the variety of careers available to interested candidates. While they could have created an article listing these out, this quiz provided the U.S. Army with a creative way to highlight all of the careers options available while also identifying a list of interested people.

Creative Quiz for U.S. Army

Spirit of St. Louis Quiz

Sponsored by a regional event in St. Louis, the Spirit of St. Louis Quiz included questions about many of the event’s main attractions. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch came up with such a fun way to teach readers about the history of the event while simultaneously informing them about all the exciting aspects of the event.

Creative Quiz for a Local Event

Think about advertisers you’re currently working with or ones you have always wished would partner with you. Can you develop a Branded Content campaign that delivers the results they’ve been looking for?

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