Curating the best from around the content marketing web. Tip us off to your favorite sources in the comments or via email.
How to Craft a Successful Social Media Content Marketing Plan: An e-book from Radian6 and Salesforce outlines how to integrate social media and content into your marketing plan. Via Radian6
Content Marketing for Professional Services: Does It Cannibalize Your Business?: A recap from Jay Baer’s and Joe Pulizzi’s SXSW presentation on brands becoming publishers and busting the myths to get started. Via Convince and Convert
Brand Storytelling Becomes a Booming Business: The Brandery’s mentorship program provides lessons to startups in custom-content building and telling their own stories. Via Entrepreneur
Do You Have Marketing Content for Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt? Eliminating FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) in the minds of your customers using best practices, white papers, and more. Via B2B Marketing Directions
Unleash the Power of Content Marketing Part 1: This free white paper covers Strategy and Considerations for Operations, providing counsel and advice for leaders and executives about how to set up staffs for content marketing success. Via Social Media Group

Via Radian6
Did we miss something that wowed you this week? Share it in the comments.