Rounding up the best tips, tricks, and ideas in content marketing. Share your favorite sources with us in the comments or via email.
Secrets of Content Marketing World: Agent Julie Fleischer, Kraft Foods: Julie Fleischer—director of CRM, content strategy, and integration for Kraft—offers up excellent advice in advance of her presentation at Content Marketing World next week. Via TopRank Online Marketing Blog
Does Your Content Suck? Here’s How to Tell: A look at the plethora of bad content that fills the web, and how you can tell if your content is good (or bad). Via Inc.
What Every CEO Can Learn From Best Buy’s (Continued) Branding Mistakes: A case study, with lessons, on branding do’s and don’ts. Via Fast Company
How Content Can Help You Build a Following [PODCAST]: Michael Stelzner and Pat Flynn discuss how to build a strong brand following and community. Via Social Media Explorer.

Via Fast Company
Did we miss something that wowed you this week? Share it in the comments.