Curating the best from around the content marketing web. Tip us off to your favorite sources in the comments or via email.
Will Content Marketing Destroy Social Media? Michael Brenner weighs in on blanket statements (such as the headline of his post) and wades into how content marketing is impacting discussions on “church and state” (editorial vs. advertising). Via B2B Marketing Insider
How Nonprofits Can Profit From Content Strategy: Marketers in these trenches must carefully focus their resources. Here’s how. Via Brain Traffic
Yahoo’s New Approach to Content: Ask People What They Want to Read: The company “is hard at work building a system that will give users a way to explicitly declare what they’re interested in reading.” Via Advertising Age
Content Marketing and Brand Journalism at Boeing: David Meerman Scott talks with Boeing’s Todd Blecher about the company’s approach to storytelling. Via Web Ink Now
Marketers Who Share Content Drive Traffic, Gain Customers [INFOGRAPHIC]: From the Content Marketing Institute comes “The Content Marketing Explosion.” Via Mashable
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