Top Tweets From Day 1 of the 2012 Content Marketing Strategies Conference

Top Tweets From Day 1 of the 2012 Content Marketing Strategies Conference

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Content Marketing Strategies ConferenceWith members of the Marketeer/Kapost team at this week’s Content Marketing Strategies Conference in Berkeley, California, we’ve been following the gathering’s very active Twitter hashtag, #contentnow.

The feed has been prolific and covers a great deal of content marketing wisdom from both attendees and presenters, including plenty of industry leaders on our 50 Marketers to Watch in 2012 list, as well as our own publisher, Toby Murdock.

Using the Marketeer’s Storify, we’ve collected some of our favorite nuggets from the first day of the conference to reference now and long after the festivities end.

#Contentnow Day 1

The Content Marketeer’s roundup of top tweets from the first day of the second annual Content Marketing Strategies Conference in Berkley, California.

Storified by · Wed, May 09 2012 17:04:26

Rebecca Lieb, Altimeter Group analyst, “sets the stage.”

77% of Internet users don’t engage with online ads – that’s why push to pull marketing is working and growing now. #contentnow @lieblinkOriginal9 Media
@lieblink – Content Marketing lifecycle can measured in months and years in comparison to advertising 6 weeks cycles. #contentnowMarcia Kadanoff
It’s time to rebalance and integrate old media w new; orgs that rebalance now will be ahead of the curve #contentnowTatiana Natzke
"Emerging technology allows any brand to function as a media company" @lieblink #contentnowIntigi
#ContentMarketing is about finding stories, which tend to be on the customer side of things – Rebecca Lieb @lieblink #contentnowScott Abel
No more free: If you strive for more visual, social & mobile content, time to invest much more in resources. @contentnow #contentnowPaul Pruneau
A lot of people don’t think of content that provides utility as content – Rebecca Lieb @lieblink #contentnowThe Content Wrangler
Charmin’s Sit or Squat — helps you find the nearest public restroom – Rebecca Lieb @lieblink #contentnowScott Abel

Content strategy, with Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute:

Strategy (the planning of the “what”) must always precede the tactics (the “what” and “how”) #contentnowMarci Marshall
Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should do it – create and publish content, that is. @juntajoe #contentnowVal Swisher
You want to create new content only when your long-term #contentstrategy dictates it — Joe Pulizzi @juntajoe #contentnowScott Abel
Most organizations are not set up to be continual #content #creators, even very large ones—Joe Pulizzi. #contentnow @contentnowPaul Pruneau
Every company should use outside consultants for #contentstrategy. @juntajoe Oh yes, I agree. #contentnowVal Swisher
Find people in various parts of your organization to provide you with stories you can share with others — Joe Pulizzi @juntajoe #contentnowThe Content Wrangler
One of our favorite points of @juntajoe’s at #contentnow is on the need to repurpose and reimagine the content you are already producing.Original9 Media
We have found that 10 tweets day is maximum for us and that weekends are the best time to share content – Joe Pulizzi @juntajoe #contentnowScott Abel

Simon Kelly, CEO of Story Worldwide, on content creation:

story first, channel later #contentnow @kelbagsRebecca Lieb
Story is more powerful than the brand, the best story wins. #contentnowTatiana Natzke
No one has 30 seconds for broadcast spam. Everyone has 30 minutes (or more) for experiences they care about. #contentnowLuciana
The place for paid media is to kickstart the conversation – Simon Kelly @kellbags) #contentnow #contentmarketingThe Content Wrangler
Use different media to tell different parts of one campaign story; create deeper experience — Simon Kelly @kellbags #contentnowScott Abel
[Def] Story Platform: The lens through which you take outside events and distill them into content. @kellbags #contentnowVal Swisher
Key takeaway: use a disciplined, collaborative process to find the story #contentnowSocial Tribe

Hivefire CEO and founder Pawan Deshpande on content curation:

Step 1: Find a topic. Can you own the topic? Align with audience. Align with landscape. #contentnowVal Swisher
Step 2. Organize content like a librarian. Tag, index, archive, group, recommend, categorize. @tweetsfrompawan #contentnowVal Swisher
Step 3. Share Content. @tweetsfrompawan #contentnowVal Swisher
The act of curation is a value unto itself. True in museums, true in content marketing for brands, companies #PR #contentnowLisa LaMagna
Content curation boosts SEO, establishing thought leadership, elevating brand – Pawan Deshpande @tweetsfrompawan #contentnowScott Abel
Successful content curation thinks beyond the brand: include competitor content, don’t shy away from controversial topics, etc #contentnowAlison Bolen
Linking back with credit (or not) is the difference between sharing and stealing. #contentnowPeggy Gartin
3Q4 Pawan Deshpande: Curation best practices; balance hand-crafted with automation |

Original9’s slides on creating a content marketing methodology:

For those of you not too busy eating lunch at #contentnow, here’s a sneak peek at the slides @JesseOdell is presenting! Media
Attention to quality is a big deal. Roy Demin knows this. Watch videos: @JesseOdell #contentnowScott Abel
.@jesseodell: We are inventing something bigger than SEM. Content marketing has the potential to be its entire own industry. #contentnowOriginal9 Media

Content management with our own Toby Murdock, Marketeer publisher and Kapost CEO:

1) hire a journalist for speed & knowledge 2) define your personas and sales needs 3) don’t be afraid to go niche. @tobymurdock #contentnowOriginal9 Media
Put in equal amounts of time developing content & audience dev. Great content doesn’t matter if there’s nobody there to read it #contentnowSocial Tribe
Cut volume by 1/3 and put that time into audience dev and link building. Babel did this and saw 5x increase in traffic in a yr. #contentnowAlison Bolen
Content marketing is not a campaign, it must be sustained. amen @tobymurdock #contentnowandreajm
RT @scottabel: You can waste all of your time unless you build a well-mapped out, content assembly line @TobyMurdock #contentnowAmy Mihlhauser
"Every piece of content should have a miniature marketing campaign around it." – @tobymurdock #contentnow / YES!! Distribution is key.Original9 Media
Connect your content with influencers in order to get quotes, links, and other buy-in to develop audience @TobyMurdock #contentnowThe Content Wrangler
When you get the influencers involved, you get links, which increase your Google rankings @TobyMurdock #contentnow #contentmarketingScott Abel
Audience bldg doesnt just happen. Engage influencers, use SEO, invest in relationships. #contentmarketing isn’t a campaign #contentnowHeather Meza

Content distribution, with CEO and co-founder Bill Flitter:

The average Internet user visits 99 website per month. #contentnow @billflitterMelonie Gallegos
Why Google is forever: 93% of buying cycle starts with search. @bflitter #contentnowPaul Pruneau
@billflitter: "for content marketing to work effectively, you have to combined earned, owned & paid media" #POE #contentnowRebecca Lieb
The three S’s are Site, Search, and Social. But now there is Syndication. @bflitter #contentnowMarcia Kadanoff
The Syndication equation = Distribute, measure, optimize and grow @BFlitter #contentnowThe Content Wrangler
is your content interesting enough for a prospect to explore a second page? @BFlitter #contentnow #contentmarketingLuciana
@bflitter asks what is your digital content center? master something you’re good at, focus and repurpose #contentnow #contentmarketingMaria Van Wambeke
Post-Impressionism baby! " @kellbags – "A Facebook ‘like’ is an impression, its not engagement". #Contentnow"Simon Kelly

Content marketing ROI, with Todd Wheatland, vice president of thought leadership and marketing at Kelly Services:

How to break organization silos: Demonstrate the business value that content delivers. @ToddWheatland #contentnowPaul Pruneau
Pure content placement and content marketing is smothering search results for Kelly Services keywords says @toddwheatland #contentnowAlison Bolen
We take one big white paper and squeeze 30-40 content assets out of it @ToddWheatland, Kelly #contentnowScott Abel
@toddwheatland reminds us WHEN we measure is just as important as WHAT. Just ask those who launched Euro Disneyland #contentnowHeather Meza
Marketing is a long road and you have to be consistent @toddwheatland #contentnowLisa LaMagna
Some visual notes from @toddwheatland ‘s very informative talk #contentnow Taylor
If number of comments are higher than number of discussions in Linkedin Groups, you are doing well @ToddWheatland, Kelly #contentnowThe Content Wrangler
Knowing linkedin leads are stronger, Kelly Services is removing Twitter button on some pages to encourage more linkedin shares. #contentnowAlison Bolen
We went from paying to speak at conferences to being invited and paid to speak as experts on our topics @ToddWheatland #contentnowScott Abel

A recap—and some cookies!

Nice visual recap of the Content Marketing Strategies Conference (day one) #contentnowScott Abel
A little fun at the #contentnow conference – Pac Man cookie F Bourque

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