Mobile app marketing and analytics software for Retailers

Mobile app marketing and analytics software for Retailers

Deliver personalized customer experiences on your mobile app to boost customer loyalty and deliver on your revenue goals.

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Product capabilities

Product capabilities

Create data-driven, personalized app experiences at scale to increase customer lifetime value.

Create data-driven, personalized app experiences at scale to increase customer lifetime value.

Our rich data analytics and user insights enable you to better understand your customers and deliver tailored app experiences to suit their needs.

  • Understand what your customers want and expect, and deliver tailored app experiences to meet their needs
  • Identify pain points in your customer’s journey to continually optimize your app and drive purchases through frictionless experiences.
  • Uncover meaningful insights about your customers such as when they’re most active and how they use your app to maximize your ROI.

Transform the way your customers shop

Transform the way your customers shop

Keep customers coming back for more with bespoke offers and deliver deals, promotions, and new product alerts straight to their phone.

  • Increase conversions and boost sales with abandoned cart campaigns and intelligent product recommendations
  • Take advantage of multiple app channels and communicate with your customers through push notifications, in-app messages, and app inbox.
  • Encourage in-store shopping with geo-fence messaging and interact with your customers in real-time.

Why eCommerce Mobile Apps Fail

Why eCommerce Mobile Apps Fail

If you’re worried about the success of your app, read our handy guide to uncover measures you can take to avoid failure and increase your chances of success on the app stores.

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Stats bg £1.5M

Uplift in revenue seen by our clothing retailer in 30 days using intelligent product recommendations

Stats bg 19%

Click-through conversion rate experience by retailers when using in-app messages to engage shoppers

Stats bg 47%

US consumers prefer to use a brand’s app over its website

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Ready to get things done?

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