Perfect Summer Ideas for Hot Advertisers

Perfect Summer Ideas for Hot Advertisers

5 minute read

Liz Huff Senior Director, Customer Success

Summer Events

Summer is one of the busiest times for events and festivals such as local farmer’s markets, county fairs, Fourth of July celebrations, or maybe even a Renaissance festival. The success of these events is directly attributed to attendance – so promotions are perfect.


When you’re trying to drive attendance to an event, a sweepstakes is a great tool for your advertisers. These are easy to enter. They can drive big awareness on social when you offer additional chances to win from social shares. Plus, you’ll have a rich list of people to send reminder emails as the event gets closer.

Summer Events Ideas

Deck & Home Construction

Sunny summertime weather leaves many people anxious to do some construction work around the house. With homeowners on average spending $7,000 on a new deck, construction companies are eager to secure business during the summer months.


A sweepstakes is a great way for you to showcase your advertiser’s services. Plus, if you pick a specific prize, you’ll be able to see who’s in the market for your advertiser’s products. Include an email opt-in and your advertiser has a new list of qualified leads to email with their next offer.

Summer Events Ideas

Travel & Recreation

We don’t need to tell you that summer is the biggest season for travel – opening up a multitude of advertisers for you to contact. And while travel agencies and hotels may be a good fit, also consider local ‘staycation’ hotspots like amusement parks, recreational facilities, or even campgrounds.


A great promotion around summer vacations is a quiz, like this one for Silver Dollar City, a theme park in Branson, MO. Not only can the quiz questions highlight aspects of the vacation site, but it can also be a great way to collect valuable consumer profile data for your advertisers.

Summer Events Ideas

Pool & Pool Maintenance

While it can cost $22,000 to install a new pool, a lot of pool costs come from routine maintenance. Pool companies are eager to secure this yearly recurring business just as much as a new pool installation – and exactly why local pool installers want their business name to be the most recognized in the area.


A sweepstakes is an ideal way to collect qualified leads for your advertiser. To collect even more consumer profile data, leverage survey questions like these:

  • When was the last time your pool was resurfaced?
  • Who currently handles your yearly pool opening service?
  • Are you interested in installing a pool fence?

Summer Events Ideas

Air Conditioning & Utility Companies

As the summer heats up, consumers are blasting their air conditioner to keep up with the rising temperatures. With many HVAC units being put to the test, it’s the perfect time to target advertisers that make sure these units are running their best.


New HVAC units and summer electric bills are expensive. Running a sweepstakes that offers a new unit, free yearly servicing, or a paid summer electric bill can definitely appeal to a large audience. Add on a few lead-generation questions and your advertiser will walk away with a valuable list of qualified leads.

Summer Events Ideas

Retail & Patio Furniture

One more advertising category to target for summer promotions is retail. From patio furniture to barbecue grills, there are a lot of retail stores focusing on summer sales.


This was a great sweepstakes that not only had the prize of a new grill, it also offered a grocery gift card – all the ‘fixins’ of your next great summer barbecue party. Include an email opt-in on your form, and your advertiser will be able to quickly grow their database and target qualified leads for their next email marketing campaign.

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