Six months ago, the Kapost content team got together and shared our favorite pieces of content, and I wrote a blog post about it.
And here I am publishing another round-up of the Kapost content marketers’ favorite pieces of content marketing.
I’m doing this in part because it’s important to share good content with other marketers, and in part because it’s nice to stop the daily grind of content production about [fill in your target vertical] and see what other creative teams are up to.
As a trend, our team typically gravitates toward content that warrants a big belly laugh, contains some sort of interactive element, or features a visually inspiring piece that makes our designers drool over every pixel.
Without further ado, I bring you:
The Kapost Content Team’s Favorite Content, Edition II
Anne Murphy, Senior Managing Editor
Follow Her: @amurphias
Favorite Piece of Content: Who Are You? Bonnaroo Census [Microsite and Interactive Survey]
Why It’s Awesome: “People love to see where and how they fit into a community—at least I do. Surveys like this offer a snapshot of Bonnaroo—not just the festival, but the values and people it represents. Some questions are funny (did you stop at Waffle House on your way here?), some stir up memories (did you try something new this year?), and some show just how much people love Bonnaroo in all its glory and weirdness (do you like to get weird, and do you feel like part of a community at Bonnaroo?). Not to mention, it’s an animated infographic—which is fun and looks amazing.”
Liz O’Neill, Content Marketing Manager
Follow Her: @LizKONiell
Favorite Piece of Content: [Mircosite]
Why It’s Awesome: “I love for three reasons:
- Science is fascinating, but sometimes can feel inaccessible. Personally, I feel too dependent on news organizations or experts to tell me about the consequences of scientific facts and findings. This site sheds analysis and just gives you facts in plain English, which fosters a more playful and empowered approach to science.
- The user experience is clean and useful. Everything included in this site serves a specific purpose.
- I love that they provide the sources for each fact allowing interested readers to take a deeper dive.”
Matt Sobieray, Web Designer
Follow Him: @MattSobieray
Favorite Piece of Content: Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek [Interactive/Video Newspaper Feature]
Why It’s Awesome: “This is kind of old but every time I see it, I love it. The use of 3D modeling and static newspaper make for a very intriguing way to engage in a newspaper online. I’m surprised we haven’t seen more of these, but can only imagine how difficult it is to build.”
Jesse Noyes, Senior Content Marketing Director
Follow Him: @noyesjesse
Favorite Piece of Content: Sometimes You Just Want to Say Thank You #TDThanksYou [YouTube Video]
Why It’s Awesome: “This campaign from TD Bank nails what should be the basics of marketing—empathy, appreciating the customer—while demonstrating that low-gloss content can connect to the heart and the head. It’s especially impressive when you consider how regulated TD Bank’s industry is, and how many ideas they likely had to reject before getting to this one.”
Jean Spencer, Content Marketing Manager (Me!)
Follow Me: @jeanwrites
Favorite Piece of Content: Airbnb’s Economic Impact [Interactive Infographic]
Why It’s Awesome: “Attention to detail can be the difference between content that wows and content that is pushed under the rug. Airbnb does an excellent job at wooing its readers with minute detail to design. When your cursor moves over certain images, the image moves and responds. Great example of interactive content.”
Great content inspires the production of great content. I can’t wait to see what this stellar team comes up with next time.