One of the hardest parts of being in the content marketing industry is finding time to read. With a constant demand for production, production, production, we content creators are often too slammed to keep up. But to be a top-notch marketer, keeping up with our industry news is a must.
If you find yourself clawing for time at the end of the day to read a bit of news, this post is for you.
I’ve rounded up 14 top blogs and news sites that I follow while doing my job. Add these to your Feedly or Alltop profiles, or simply bookmark them all to keep ahead of trends, insights, changes, improvement, etc. in the world of B2B marketing.
Also—I would love to hear if you have more ideas. Please comment below or tweet at me @Jeanwrites to offer other suggestions for this list.
Content Marketing Institute
CMI’s mission is to advance the practice of content marketing. Their site is full of practical advice for content marketers really doing content marketing, but also extends the industry by doing powerful industry-wide research like the annual content marketing state of the industry reports. The institute was founded by Joe Pulizzi, a content marketing pioneer.
BufferApp blog is our managing editor’s all time favorite resource. With it’s extreme position on transparency, BufferApp delights its readers with fresh and often “out-there” content. Major respect, and extra props from Anne Murphy.
14 Top Sites to Keep the B2B Content Marketer Informed, Educated, and Ahead of the Game
Copyblogger and its dozens of contributors across the country are truly living content marketing. Their insightful posts and unique perspectives on content, marketing, and the state of the industry make it a perfect site to keep coming back to. A special shout out to Brian Clark, their CEO.
MarketingProfs is ahead of the game for content marketing. Led by Allen Weiss and Ann Handley, MarketingProfs publishes industry-wide data that supports and educates marketers of all types. We particularly like their MarketingProfs University that offers online crash courses in content marketing for those looking to dive into the industry, quick.
The HubSpot blog is not one you want to miss. It covers the gamut of content marketing topics, has great writers, and is led by marketing superstars Joe Chernov and Mike Volpe.
Marketo is one of the leading marketing automation softwares, providing marketers with a way to track prospect’s online behavior. This empowers marketing teams to make custom messaging to prospects as they move through their buyers journeys. We like their blog, which offers new research and thoughtful insights on social media, content marketing, modern marketing, and—of course—marketing automation.
TopRank Blog
TopRank Blog is one of the original forums for online news. Led by Lee Odden, the blog emphasizes topics on content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and email marketing
LinkedIn Press Blog
As LinkedIn continues to develop its presence as a conveyance for professional content, we like to tune into their company blog news. With insights into members, acquisitions, milestones, and improvements in the platform, marketers can read the LinkedIn blog to stay on top of the marketing wave.
Ad Age
Apart from being one of the most beautiful sites for marketers, we love Ad Age for its consistent breaking news coverage for marketers and media relationships folks. Their writers are complete, rooted in fact, and aren’t tied to a brand or corporation for funding.
VentureBeat – Marketing Channel
After noticing that marketing news was its most popular new articles, VentureBeat announced its new marketing specific channel in early 2014. We turn to it for new on mergers and acquisitions, startups in the marketing world, and business transactions at large in the marketing world.
Feldman Creative
Have you read anything written by Barry Feldman? If not, you should. His off-kilter style and eccentric language drives home concepts and practical application of marketing ploys. Really, he’s a joy to read.
Eloqua is a provider of marketing automation software for B2B businesses. Eloqua’s blog focuses on practical and actionable guidance on marketing automation, lead scoring, content marketing, email campaigns, and how to attach revenue to marketing.
TechCrunch Enterprise
It’s hard to keep up with all the changes in technology and enterprises. But TechCrunch does one of the best jobs. With 3-4 news updates daily in the “Enterprise” beat alone, these guys are some of the first responders to anything of any importance in business and technology. Bookmark it.
Need data, stats, or facts that haven’t already been published a dozen times by your competitors? Check out eMarketer to get data-based information and new statistics daily. eMarketer covers big picture trends, consumer insights, mobile tech, global interests, digital marketing, and eCommerce. It’s our favorite place to find news-based stories and new statistics.
Good luck, fellow marketer. May you self-educate, read, and stay versed in B2B marketing news.