7 Marketing Cheat Sheets You’ll Use Again and Again

7 Marketing Cheat Sheets You’ll Use Again and Again

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Ready for a long weekend? Maybe you’ve got big plans for lots of relaxation—hiking, reading, camping, or just lounging.

But if you’re anything like me, then somewhere around Sunday—if you’re lucky, Monday—thoughts about September, that critical last month of the quarter, will creep into your head.

7 Marketing Cheat Sheets You’ll Use Again and Again by @noyesjesse

It’s at these times that I’m glad I took the time to put in a content marketing plan. Still, if there’s one thing that’s always welcome, it’s the cheat sheet.

Cheat sheets come in many forms: checklists, worksheets, templates—you get the gist. They’re designed to make smaller, tactical aspects of your overall strategy easier. And in a field with so many goals and moving parts, like marketing, cheat sheets can be clutch.

So I’ve put together a list of my favorite marketing cheat sheets. Get them now and have them ready when you get back to the office.

Buyer Process Mapping Template

One of the things I love about Sales Benchmark Index is how they produce simple, yet incredibly useful templates. This one, which is designed to help you map how your buyers move through the sales process, is no exception. It’s light on graphics, heavy on helpfulness.

SEO Cheat Sheet: Best Practices for On-Page Optimization

Marketo, it seems, has thought of almost everything. I’ve used this worksheet to not only think up and deploy new keywords, but avoid sounding like a robot in the process. Well worth the free download.

3 Proven Templates to Guide Your Content Production

Content production is often prone to bottlenecks. These templates make it easier to establish workflows for your team, map out campaign flows and strategy, and design new content pillars.

140 Call-to-Action Buttons

Ah, HubSpot—always generous. Thinking up different button sizes, shapes, and colors may seem trivial. But these details may be the difference between downloads and a down month. And they’re giving you 140 for free.

The Ultimate Blog Marketing Checklist

Blogging is anything but simple, particularly when you’re a business. There are a lot of steps to consider. And the Content Marketing Institute has thought out 57 of them in this handy checklist. Definitely bookmark this one.

Visual Cheat Sheet for Editing to Help You Move Faster

I know plenty of fast writers. Typically, they need a much slower editor. But to avoid getting bogged down with all that editing, Jay Acunzo has come up with a helpful cheat sheet to identify the biggest needs and pitfalls.

Setting the Stage for Content Marketing

Maybe you’re thinking about making the case for content next month, or even next quarter. This guide walks you through the process. But even better, it offers actual scripts for conversations with VPs of marketing and sales. Good ammo for your next conversation with the C-suite.

Want even more cheat sheets?

Checkout these Kapost templates that provide cheat sheets for planning the content you publish. Get your workflow to move even faster.

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