Our latest marketing trends webinar was a huge hit. If anyone was wondering if marketers still love trends, we can safely say they definitely do.
Missed it? Watch the on-demand version here.
Now that we’re all on the same page, do you remember the Q&A at the end? If so, now you’re probably wondering where that great followup email is with all those amazing resources and reading lists. Well, here are the slides we promised you.
Even better, you’ve landed on the reading list, so keep reading for the must-read resources according to Mathew Sweezey. And if you (like many of us) ignore the automated followup email after attending a webinar, go back and search your inbox for those downloadable resources that will get you started on putting this trends to good use in your organization.
Mathew Sweezey’s Ultimate Reading List
- The Experience Economy (revised edition), Joseph Pine II
- Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want, Joseph Pine II
- Propaganda, Edward Bernays
- “Participatory Propaganda in 7 Simple Steps,” Alicia Wanless on La Generalista
- Report: State of the Connected Customer, Salesforce
- Chat Bots: A Consumer Research Study, from myclever
- “The New Age of Infinite Media and What it Means for Marketing,” Mathew Sweezey on Forbes.com
- “Has Marketing Lost Its Way?” Mathew Sweezey on Forbes.com
- Marketing Automation for Dummies, Mathew Sweezey
- Everything by Jay Baer
- And, of course, all the amazing assets in the Kapost Resources Library
Coming Soon!
- Report On Purpose by the Economist Group due February 2018
- Chatbot Research – US Version due January 2018 in collaboration with Drift, MyClever, SurveyMonkey, and Salesforce
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