Success Story

Immediate Media Co give BBC Good Food consumers a completely personalised email experience using online preferences

Find out how Immediate Media Co., working with Upland Adestra, increased key metrics with a tailored digital journey for BBC Good Food consumers.

How do you deliver a truly tailored digital experience for every reader?


  • Increase relevancy of newsletters based on individual’s preferences.
  • Improve email engagement metrics, such as increased click throughs and reduced unsubscribe rates.
  • See email engagement metrics translate to increased page visits and dwell times on


  • Key learnings gained on how BBC Good Food audience engaged with email from having recommendations included.
  • Improvement in on-site metrics for saved recipes, printed recipes and clicks on comments.
  • A project that is scalable for BBC Good Food and other titles.

Deliver engaging email at every step of the customer journey.

The Challenge offers beginners and seasoned chefs advice, tips and inspiration on how to get the best out of their ingredients as well as videos, diet plans, sustainability tips and My Good Food. Growing engagement from their audience is a key goal for the Brand and Digital Marketing team and email is the main channel for doing so. Key to this is creating emails that are personal and relevant at scale.

A joined-up and seamless customer experience is hugely important to both Immediate’s Digital CRM team and their audience. Each week newsletters are sent showcasing the very latest recipes for subscribers to try. Subscribers can also save favourite recipes in My Good Food. Immediate wanted to test whether showing recommendations linked to subscribers’ saved favourites drove a higher engagement rate than the latest must-have recipes readers had been used to seeing.

The Solution

Immediate’s tech-stack is heavily integrated with Upland CXM’s Adestra Platform and this meant a feed could be created from the Immediate Data Warehouse to the Upland Adestra Platform.

The Central Digital Marketing team wanted to test a hypothesis and took a sample of 100,000 members of the newsletter list and split it into two:

  • 50,000 received newsletters with three of their top nine recommendations, shuffled randomly for each send (the personalised group)
  • 50,000 received newsletters with the top 3 most recently published recipes for each send (the control group)

With a phased roll-out of Adestra, Immediate increased overall CTR with email recipients.

Success Metrics

The Click Through Rate (CTR) is the most important KPI as changes to content affect this KPI most. Metrics measured and reported showed:

  • 6.5% higher CTR of emails with personalisation than without personalised content
  • 133% more likely to click on a personalised content section
  • 49% more sign-ins from those who clicked through the personalised version
  • 13% higher page views
  • 73% more printed recipes

What’s Next?

Knowing that subscribers they’re more likely to engage with personalised content, Immediate will take learnings from this test and apply them for future BBC Good Food newsletters and extend to other brands.

Immediate and Upland CXM continue to work closely on developing Platform enhancements – Immediate’s beta testing the new Personal Delivery Time feature being a prime example – and driving a better customer experience for Immediate brands.

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