’s Bully Project Launches a Survey Via Text and Email’s Bully Project Launches a Survey Via Text and Email

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The riveting new documentary Bully is not just taking on bullying in the theaters. It’s also using a powerful web and mobile campaign to mobilize kids and adults across the country to take action on this heartbreaking issue. Joining forces with the film are’s Bully Project, Spark Notes, and teen spokesperson Victoria Justice.

Central to the campaign is a Facebook quiz which aims to get the real facts about bullying from the people who live it – the students. Taking the quiz and sharing it with friends enters you to win a $20,000 scholarship – and will provide with an unprecedented look at what’s really going on in our schools.

To make sure the quiz reaches the largest possible audience, the Bully project is going mobile with a quick and simple text campaign. Texting BULLY to 877877 prompts teens to enter an email address which unlocks the quiz. The campaign will use the mobile numbers and email addresses to continue to build engagement – while the quiz itself raises awareness and gathers valuable data.

The Bully Project is a great example of how mobile and email campaigns can complement each other. Texts are fast and immediate, for instant engagement – while the linked emails integrate seamlessly into teens’ online experiences. The two platforms work not just side by side, but interactively, feeding each other for exponential growth.

To learn more about the Bully Project, visit their website or text BULLY to 877877.

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