Success Story

Lowell Transforms Customer Feedback with Real-time Insights

See how real-time feedback helped Lowell increase their Trustpilot score.

On its mission to drive a customer-centric culture, maximize feedback quality and ultimately capture rich data in real time to enhance both strategic and tactical decision making, Lowell has implemented the Upland Rant & Rave platform to complement other external tools such as Trustpilot.

For Lowell’s 720 agents, the Rant & Rave platform captures real-time customer feedback through the Frontline dashboard. Comments and scores are captured throughout the customer journey. With over 14 touch-points, the dashboard provides data and analysis to their Customer Insights Team. It is used to engage and empower frontline staff ensuring they understand, own and act on customer feedback.

Lowell is no stranger to emotion-led conversations with their customers. Through the Upland Rant & Rave sentiment engine, they use verbatim comments to pick up customer emotion and understand the ‘why’ behind their customer satisfaction scores. The sentiment engine picks up key topics specifically relating to Lowell’s business areas, and influences changes.

The Proof’s in the Pudding

  • Collected over 40,000 pieces of actionable feedback
  • Trustpilot score increase from 4.2 to 4.4
  • 90.5% of their customers gave the highest score to Lowell agents

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