Success Story

How WEM Brought Savings and a 475% ROI to an Industrial Corporation

Daily management and maintenance of telecom environments are a real challenge for most organizations today. The need for control and visibility on mobility costs and technological assets is growing, more and more enterprises are seeking for flexibility and accessibility of their inventories. Cimpl continues to work with a world-leading construction company to help manage their annual wireless spend and achieve clearer oversight of their technological environment.

Daily management and maintenance of telecom environments are a real challenge for most organizations today. The need for control and visibility on mobility costs and technological assets is growing, more and more enterprises are seeking for flexibility and accessibility of their inventories. Cimpl continues to work with a world-leading construction company to help manage their annual wireless spend and achieve clearer oversight of their technological environment.

“By the end of 2018, they had a little over 2,000 wireless assets and had generated an ROI of 475%.”


With more than 1900 assets on deck, and 3 carriers to deal with regularly, this construction company was overflowing with mobile devices, different contracts and rate plans. The company’s data, such as their devices and assets, were tracked primarily through Excel spreadsheets and numerous portals. Employees would often go on vacation, or leave the country, without adding any roaming packages. The bills were piling up, and many roaming charges and mobile devices needed to be managed. Their desire for proper control and awareness over their technological spend were recognized. They wanted to adopt new efficient methods to keep track of their data as the time and money spent on manual methods, like spreadsheets, were costing them too much. The company’s primary goal was to not only manage their mobile costs and inventory across the organization, but also their overall processes as to lower their man hours. They wished to have some sort of versatile platform that could manage different types of tasks and workflows, without the usage of multiple programs and spreadsheets.

Key Services

  • Cost Transparency
  • Time Saving
  • Inventory Accuracy
  • Discrepancies report


After the implementation of Cimpl’s Telecom Expense Management services, there had been a positive change in their mobile environment. An incredible amount of billing errors and mistakes on invoices and contracts were identified. Cimpl was able to capture $35,000 credits for the company. This was possible through filtering through billing issues such as missing monthly fees, lines that were activated on the wrong plan, incorrect charges for roaming, extra functions added on the lines that weren’t requested, and more.  Furthermore, they were able to receive better rate plans and deals that suited their telecom needs. With better contracts at hand, they had less to worry about incurring unexpected amounts on their bills from their carriers.

“[they were able to] cut down 40 hours of labor each month, generating approximately 20% of savings over their annual spend”

The integration of the Cimpl Platform into their organization provided them a clearer outlook on their cost transparency. By the end of 2018, they had a little over 2,000 wireless assets and had generated a ROI of 475%. The company was able to oversee their technological spending as well as take on their telecom responsibilities on the Cimpl Platform through automating their workflows, approval processes, and much more. This allowed them to cut down 40 hours of labor each month, generating approximately 20% of savings over their annual spend.

They were as well able to achieve a total 95% of their inventory accuracy through organizing and placing orders by themselves on the platform. The organization frequently contacts Cimpl to help them update and process any changes for them on the platform. Each modification or request with their carrier is settled through the help of Cimpl. Engagement between the client and Cimpl has always been supportive and transparent, in which develops a strong communication and connection among both of the organizations. Moreover, the company continues to progress with Cimpl, with content and satisfaction from the TEM solutions and services implemented.

About Cimpl

Cimpl is leading the revolution in telecom, IT and cloud expense management as it offers corporations a platform-as-a-service and managed services to , save money ($), save time (h) and accurately manage their inventory (%).


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