The Week In Content Marketing: Content PR, the Role of Content, Operating Your Content Machine, and More

The Week In Content Marketing: Content PR, the Role of Content, Operating Your Content Machine, and More

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Rounding up the best tips, tricks, and ideas in content marketing. Share your favorite sources with us in the comments or via email

The Rise of Content PR: Announces a new white paper partnership between global PR firm, Calysto, and the global leader in press release distribution, Business Wire, that details the intersection of PR and Content. Via ContentPR

The Role of Content in the B2B IT Buying Process: Validates the need for content, discussing the number of content pieces a buyer consumes before the sale and which stage is most important for influencing the sale. Via Marketing Interactions

21 Reasons Why Your Content Marketing Strategy May Be Headed for Trouble: Acknowledges the challenge of producing compelling content and executing a content marketing strategy while introducing 21 things you or your organization may be experiencing that is harming your content marketing efforts. Via Social Media Today 

How To Build And Operate A Content Marketing Machine: Shares a step-by-step guide to running and managing your organization’s content strategy, based on a webinar of the same name by Toby Murdock of Kapost, the content marketing platform,and Jason Miller of Marketo, marketing automation software. Via SlideShare


Photo Credit: How To Build And Operate A Content Marketing Machine SlideShare Presentation

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