Curating the best from around the content marketing web. Tip us off to your favorite sources in the comments or via email.
Eight Required Elements of a Successful Content Marketing Plan: Must-haves “for anyone dedicating time and resources to driving true customer, sales, and revenue performance from the new ‘coin of the realm’ in marketing.” Via Heinz Marketing
The Neil Patel Method to Getting Great Blog Content: From finding guest bloggers to managing freelancers and adopting the right tools, KISSmetrics’s vice president of marketing provides an exhaustive list of resources (including a nice shout-out to Kapost) for creating great blog content. Via KISSmetrics
Six Content Marketing Tips for Google+: Some of its features are similar to those of other social networks, but Google+ is a unique platform with original marketing opportunities for your brand. Lisa Barone offers content marketers six thoughtful and informative tips for a smarter approach. Via Small Business Trends
Overcoming the No. 1 Challenge in B2B Demand Generation Content Marketing: Lauren Goldstein of Babcock & Jenkins advocates developing personas and mapping buyer journeys to produce more relevant and engaging content. Via Lauren On Demand
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