
2022 National Sweepstakes Kit

Second Street’s National Sweepstakes are a fantastic way to drive more revenue and increase your email database.

Are you getting the most from your National Sweepstakes strategy?

We’ve put together this kit with everything you need to maximize your strategy and deliver big results:

  • Revenue Goals
  • Database Goals
  • Advertisers to Target
  • Sales Sheets for Your Industry
  • And more!

Download the kit

More resources

OL Connect pour la fabrication

Découvrez comment OL Connect offre aux entreprises du secteur de la fabrication de puissantes capacités de composition de documents et d'automatisation pour optimiser leurs opérations et augmenter leur productivité.

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Simplify Your Contact Center Agents’ Desktop to Enhance Customer Experience

As the backbone of your business, contact center agents need the right support and technology to thrive. In this eBook, you’ll discover how you can promote agent well-being and set your contact center up for success.

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How Telecoms Can Super Charge Their Productivity with Knowledge Management

Explore how effective knowledge management enhances telecom operations and boosts productivity in our eBook. Don't miss the insights!

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