Introducing the Upland Altify 9.12 Spring ‘24 Release

3 minute read

The Upland Altify 9.12 Spring ‘24 release contains major enhancements to transform the customer experience with Altify’s Salesforce-native products, creating a simpler, smarter, and more connected solution. The 9.12 Spring ‘24 upgrade offers sellers simplified and streamlined workflows and optimized user interfaces, smarter in-product guidance, better data readability, and improved connectedness. These added features foster increased accountability and visibility for customers. Not only does this release improve the overall usability of Altify’s tools, but it also boasts significantly faster load times within Salesforce.  

Travis Hill, Managing Director of Strategic Consulting said, “The Spring ‘24 Release continues Altify’s long history of innovative enhancements that make enterprise selling simpler and easier all within It is one more step forward in helping customers scale best-practice sales behaviors across their organizations.”

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most impactful enhancements included within this release. 

Opportunity Map Enhancements

Opportunity mapping capabilities within Altify now have an upgraded user interface to make viewing open whitespace opportunities clearer. Additionally, adding new current and won opportunities is easier than ever with a new, labor-saving workflow.  

The Total Addressable Market view of opportunity maps has also been updated with a graphic layout designed to lead the eye in interpreting data effectively, showing how your company compares in owning existing market share to other competitors within the account. 

Opportunity Maps

Account Launchpad Enhancements

The previous three launchpads on accounts within Altify have been consolidated and simplified into one launchpad. Additionally, the launchpad brings more value to sellers than ever before with an up-to-date snapshot of the most critical top-level data related to the account. Now sellers can quickly see quantitative and qualitative numbers around key aspects of the account such as pipeline, insights, relationships, objectives, and actions all from the account launchpad.

Account Launchpad Enhancements

Test and Improve Enhancements

The summary page of structured Test and Improve sessions has gotten a major uplift to maximize the value from the final steps of deal and account reviews. Now sellers can filter their questions, gaps, recommendations, and pinned comments to provide a better visual aid to focus ending conversations. Sellers will also be able to see which recommendations and gaps have associated actions created, so that the results from the Test and Improve session will manifest into accountable progress. 

Test and Improve Enhancements

General Enhancements

Within opportunity mapping and relationship mapping, more tooltips have been added to educate sellers with definitions, instructions, and context, bringing more clarity about how to effectively use specific features. Notifications have also been added to confirm completion after various actions are taken by sellers, for example, creating a new opportunity. This brings users peace of mind in knowing their work has been logged correctly. User interfaces across the product have been updated to be more consistent and intuitive to sellers, making Altify easier to learn and use.   Altify General Enhancements

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