KCS: How To Get Management Buy-In On KCS Methodology

3 minute read

You’ve heard about Knowledge-Centered Service (KCS), you think it’s the right way to go: now you need to get leadership to buy-in on adopting the KCS methodology so you can make the changes and investments in people, process and tools to start reaping the benefits.

If you find you’re struggling with this, try some of our top tips below:

  1. Some of the changes needed to make KCS a success will need senior sign off: new recognition structures, and budget for KCS training and tools. Don’t be tempted to push on without management buy-in. There are elements of KCS you might be able to implement without sign off, but to get to the real business benefit, change is needed.
  2. Anticipate objections. We’ve helped many, many organizations roll out KCS, and every single one has faced objections somewhere along the line. It’s going to happen, so get yourself prepared! Here are the most common ones to get you started: ”It’s fine like it is”
    “We can’t trust agents”
    “We’ll need to still hit SLA targets”
    “We have too much already going on“
    “We can just use [insert system name not designed to be used for KM but has a search bar and somewhere to store documentation]”
  3. WIIFM (What’s In It For Me). If you’ve been doing your KCS homework, you might have heard about the recommended “Strategic Framework”. Put yourself in their shoes: what outcome would make you pay attention? KCS has benefits for the business, managers, users, customers…everyone! Be sure to call these out.
  4. Don’t reinvent the wheel. KCS is all about capitalizing on the knowledge of others, not relearning what has already been learned. We’ve helped many others in this space, we might be able to help you too. While every organization is unique and has different goals and challenges, these are the items we can use to help you get buy in and create a solid business case:
    1. ROI calculator – customized ROI calculator based on typical KCS results
    2. Strategic framework – a head start on the “WIIFM” for your different audiences
    3. Objection management – the common objections and how we have helped customers overcome these
    4. Case studies and stories from other customers
    5. ½ day KCS leadership courses

Feel free to get in touch if this would be useful to you. We love having an opportunity to talk KCS! If you’re interested in KCS training or finding out whether KCS might be right for your organization, feel free to request a demo for a closer look at the knowledge software by Upland -RightAnswers in action.

In case you missed any of the previous posts in this series…

  • Blog Post I: KCS: Does It Have to Be All or Nothing?
  • Blog Post II: KCS: Engaging Your Second Line Teams For ‘Shift-Left’

Laura Yeomans

About the Author: Laura Yeomans is a qualified KCS Trainer and has many years experience in running a knowledge practice, as well as training and coaching others in Knowledge Management and KCS. 

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