You Don’t Need a Tolerance for Pain to Manage the Omnichannel

3 minute read

Team Panviva

People in a range of industries—travel, financial services, healthcare and more—have told me there’s no easy way to manage all the ways their customers and prospects are reaching them. Could they be mistaken?

It’s hard for me to tell someone who’s an expert in their industry that they’ve gotten something wrong. But that’s what I have to do sometimes.

Friends responsible for sales, training, digital customer service, and information technology have all told me their jobs depend on developing a tolerance for pain. Because there’s no easy way to deliver consistent messaging across all the channels available today.

Customers and prospects are phoning. They’re emailing. They’re using chatbots at websites. They’re using virtual voice assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa!

Successful service demands consistent messaging across all those channels.

On the company’s side of the conversation, they have to tailor messages for humans AND computers, given the rise of IVRs (interactive voice response) and other forms of computerized messaging.

How, in such an environment, does an organization maintain a single source of truth that integrates with all these channels?

Tech to the rescue

Managing the Omnichannel is essential, because 73% of consumers shop on more than one channel, according to the Harvard Business Review. That’s a lot of opportunity for inconsistent messaging—and the problems inconsistency brings.

The challenge of the Omnichannel has been created by technology. As it turns out, technology has a knack for solving the problems it creates.

For example, at Panviva, we’ve developed guidance software for call center agents and other people tasked with helping customers and prospects who contact your organization.

The Panviva platform guides your people through company-approved processes. It helps them navigate systems such as knowledgebases and ordering platforms.

The Panviva platform is not limited to guiding humans. New capabilities make it the optimal driver for computerized systems such as chatbots and IVRs.

But adapting to different media is the result of something more profound: Getting the message right for each medium.

Content creation for the Omnichannel

The Panviva platform has a new capability we call the Digital Orchestrator. It streamlines content development and distribution.

  • Panviva software connects knowledge contributors and approvers from all functions across your business.
  • They compose content once in the Panviva repository, and the software delivers it anywhere.
  • You maintain the integrity of your message even as the format changes to fit the device or channel: Alexa, chatbots, tablets, phones and more.

Panviva’s streamlined authoring process reduces the time it takes to become customer- and market-ready.

Two challenges, one solution

Accenture reports that 89% of customers get frustrated having to repeat their issues to multiple representatives. Having a single source of truth—and an efficient way to convey it to whomever needs it—is a way to avoid that frustration.

With Panviva, you have a single source of truth: One source of information available via all channels.

It solves the challenge of managing content from a single repository, and it solves the challenge of distributing that knowledge across the Omnichannel, whether conveyed by personnel or artificial intelligence.

The best way to visualize the Panviva solution is to see it demonstrated. Please get in touch if you’re curious to see how it works. We promise we’ll make it easy, no matter how high you’ve developed your tolerance for pain.

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