The Role of Customer Success on the Revenue Team
The Role of Customer Success on the Revenue Team
Everyone talks about customer success, but what is it?
Everyone talks about customer success, but what is it? How to do you measure it and what’s part does Customer Success Play on the revenue team. Fundamentally, customers success is about ensuring customer value and revenue protection. Patrick’s guest for this episode is Bob Slaby, Chief Customer Officer, Altify.
February 21, 2019

More resources
More resources

Charting a Course to Account Planning Success
Charting a Course to Account Planning Success
Avoiding the Pitfalls: How Failed Sales Transformations Pave the Way for Success

Selling Simplified – Qualifying Your Way to Better Sales 2
Selling Simplified – Qualifying Your Way to Better Sales 2
Chasing every deal doesn't always lead to the biggest success.

Selling Simplified – Qualifying Your Way to Better Sales
Selling Simplified – Qualifying Your Way to Better Sales
Chasing every deal doesn't always lead to the biggest success.